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Check out the various events happening at the Vineyard this month and beyond!

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Second Session:
Hearing God's Voice


God wants you to hear his voice!  Whether you are new to listening for God or you want to deepen the relationship you already have with Him, join us to grow your ability.


Weekly handouts and workbook are now available electronically at!


In these six weeks, we’ll review four distinct ways He communicates and explore which ones are most effective for you. We will also spend time practicing!


Having this insight can help you to hear God better in your personal prayer time and when you’re praying for others. It can also prepare you to recognize His voice in unexpected situations.


Come discover the unique way He speaks to you!


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Community Service
UrbanPromise, Wilmington

Saturday, March 1st

Sign up now for our next community service opportunity, with UrbanPromise in Wilmington, on Saturday, March 1st (8:50am-1pm).


Our youth served there last May and we're excited for more of us to be able to go this time around!


We will work on a variety of projects. No special skills are necessary, just a willingness to do whatever is needed and have fun together for a few hours! UrbanPromise has these volunteer work days every month and they are very organized with their projects and current needs, and grateful for the volunteer support.


Children are welcome with their parents. Youth can come without a parent (we'll coordinate rides as we get closer and depending on sign-ups).


What to bring: BYO lunch - we'll eat as part of the work day at UrbanPromise


Sign up by Sunday, February 23rd.


The address for where to meet in Wilmington will be sent to those going a few days before. With any questions in the meantime, reach out to Stef.

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Church Potluck
Sunday, March 2nd

Join us for a church potluck lunch on the first Sunday of every month. Our March potluck will be on Sunday, March 2nd, starting around 12:30pm, following Second Session, VineyardKids and VineyardYouth.


Bring some food to share (whether homemade or storebought), drop it off in the kitchen before church, bring it out after, and stay to eat, catch up and connect in the cafe. We'll all pitch in for clean-up, too - if you can lend a hand for a few minutes before you head out, that would be wonderful.


Looking forward to sharing a meal together!

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Spring Work Day
Saturday, March 22nd (Rain date: March 29th)

Come on out and lend a hand at our upcoming spring work day at the church, on Saturday, March 22nd, from 9am to 1pm (if you only have an hour or two, we'd still love to have you ... on the earlier side is preferred, but anything works :) ). Rain date is Saturday, March 29th.


Special projects as well as seasonal maintenance and deep cleaning - there'll be something for everyone, indoors as well as outdoors, and it will be fun to connect and catch up while also getting our church building and grounds looking great! We'll have lunch together, too!


Sign up here!


All skill levels are welcome, just let us know ahead of time that you're coming so that we can plan tasks and materials.

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Mission Trip
Thu, June 12th - Sat, June 14th

Save the date and mark your calendars for our mission trip this summer, ​Thursday, June 12th through Saturday, June 14th (3 full days, 2 overnights).


We will be staying, serving and playing at the Upper Darby Church church as our homebase again. We will also get to participate in other service opportunities and activities throughout the region.


Our trip is once again for any adults and children ages 12/entering 7th grade and up (children ages 8/entering 3rd grade and up on case-by-case basis) - hope to have you join!


More details coming soon. With any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Stef.


If you would like to give to our Mission Trip fund which allows us to cover some trip costs to keep participant fees low, you can do so here.

VUSA National Conference
Mon, July 14th - Thu, July 17th
Cincinnati, Ohio

Registration is now live for this year's Vineyard USA National Conference, July 14-17, in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Details are available at!


If you are interested in going, please reach out to church[at] by March 23rd to hear more about early bird pricing and group registration discounts!

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